Just A Quick Update from Gadsden

I haven’t been writing much lately and I wanted to bring you all up to date.

In my state (Washington) the legislature has been going – to understate the case – batshit.  I’ve easily written as many words in the last month or two as I would have on my blog here – but those words have been letters to the state legislators.  The bills under consideration are beyond stupid – and as usual – extremely dangerous and damaging to the people of this state.  So, I’m sorry folks, I’ve directed my recent efforts toward them.  I don’t know how much good it will do but it is what I can do and therefore must do.

So much for my excuses.

I have spent a bit of time on my website though.  I’ve changed the menu up a bit – so for those of you that only read the articles, please take a look at the menu.  I’ve added pages with RSS feeds to the following:

Rucksack Radio

Living With Liberty

Dr. Robert Mather


Unoriginal Truth


These are content creators that I admire, support, and read/listen to.  If you enjoy the content they provide, I encourage you to support them – all of them – in any way you can – whether that might be financially or simply by sharing the content they provide.

If you follow their work, each and every one of the above will tell you exactly what I’m about to.

We live in an age now where we can’t trust the information sources we used to trust.  We no longer get anything close to balance from traditional media.  We are constantly being lied to and we have to do our own research now even for the most simple and mundane of “facts.”  We now have an entire industry of “fact checkers” that don’t check facts but never the less publish their “fact checks.”  The volume of information (mostly bad information) is staggering now.

But these folks that I’ve highlighted here help you manage it all.  They are plain spoken and honest.  You may not like what they say or write, but you can’t challenge their integrity.

And that, my readers, is what this country is very much in need of.


Please check out my website Gadsden1.com.  Please check out “The Group” for RSS feeds to some of my favorite writers and podcasters.  Thank you for reading!  And – I’ve started a store on the website – mostly for friends but you may be interested – check out the Gadsden Store.  I have also added a PayPal option to my home page that allows you all to buy old Gads a beer – if you are so inclined.

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